
Monday, 5 June 2017

MCX Commodity - Crude Oil, Silver & Copper Tips Today 5 June 17

Crude oil has improved in the wake of last week's heavy fall. The global market is trading at around 1.5%. At the same time, the crude oil on MCX has jumped more than 0.5 percent and is trading at Rs 3100. Natural gas has risen 1 percent to 195.6 rupees.

MCX Commodity TipsMeanwhile, the glow of gold has also increased. The August futures on gold on MCX went up 0.5 percent to Rs 29,000. Actually, in the global market, gold is trading at 1.5 months high. Silver has also accelerated and it is doing business around Rs 40,500.

MCX Commodity Trading Tips 5 June 17

Sell Crude Oil 3125, with Target 3070 and Stoploss 3160

Buy Silver 40250, with Target 40700 and Stoploss 40000

Buy Copper 363, with Target 368 and Stoploss 360  

Get MCX Trading Tips in MCX & NCDEX - Gold, Silver, Crude, Lead, Zinc, 

Aluminum, Copper & Natural Gas By Fill The FREE TIPS FORM==>>


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